The indomitable fortress of Kaon is a near wasteland after the recent conflict. Overwhelming numbers of the Reavers mindless hoard. One by one the rest of our cities fall beneath the Vos and Tarn are naught but twin smoking craters.

This war is bringing Cybertron to its knees, moreso than our great war ever could. Vast regions of the southern hemisphere are now uninhabitable, and the remainder is a combat-zone the likes of which has not been seen since the genesis of the Great War itself. Whilst the transformers can claim some small victories over the Brood, the cost has been incredibly high. This zombie-like force led by Starscream and Prowl, now unwilling puppets of the Reavers (although the jury is still out on Starscreams case) have created a devastating swarm of carnage across the planet's face using their knowledge of both of our factions. On Cybertron herself, the Reaver Brood Virus has torn through our unprepared chemical warfare defences turning those who were ones our allies into a mindless drone ' Brood' army. Our attempts to reforge the shattered Throne of Vir and seal them back still incomplete, leaving us no way to stop their invisible attacks. The Reavers, ancient monsters once-Cybertronian in origin sealed away for eternity as punishment for betraying our planet and race, remain hidden within their pocket of the Dead Space. It's been a rollercoaster of warfare here on Cybertron for the last few months.

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